Friday, December 12, 2008

Great Dane Rescue

It is obvious that my Husband and I are devoted to the love and care of our three furry friends. We are firm believers that animals are the key to happiness and sometimes survival in a world that isn't always good. Our dogs are our companions, best friends, and the light at the end of the tunnel sometimes. Their lives complete ours. They love us when we are sad, they cuddle us when we are lonely, they support us when we are sick, and most importantly they make us laugh. Our boys make us laugh all of the time.

Wagner, Bandit, Toby, and our dearly departed Lucia all came from rescues or the pound. We have considered once to purchase a dog from a back yard breeder, and it was shortly after we had to have Lucia put to sleep when we were craving the affection of a particular red doberman princess, and it didn't take us long to realize that we just aren't the type of people to do such a thing and that no matter what we did, we were not going to find another red doberman with the personality of Lucia.

Now I am not saying that it isn't right for others, but for Daniel and I, giving a dog who would otherwise be put down a home is more up our alley. Our dogs aren't meant to be fashion accessories nor do we ever intend to breed them. They are our friends and we don't care where they come from or whether or not they have the right papers so rescuing them is just something we do and will always do.

Wagner and Toby are our "special" children. They were both adopted from a Great Dane rescue out of Bethel Ohio while the others were picked up from the pound. Now that doesn't make Bandit nor Lucia any less special than the other two monkeys. But because we adopted Wagner and Toby from the rescue we have more of an attachment to the place and the people who volunteer there on a daily basis. In fact, we started volunteering there ourselves shortly after the adoption of Wagner back in 2005. We go to quite a few rescue events and once a month we go back to the pound where we picked up Bandit and set up a table with all of the rescues information. It also gives the public an opportunity to see just how big these Danes get and that their personalities and temperments are that of a small child. Sweet, cuddly, and always affectionate. Of course they have a rebelous side as well, but thats another post on its own. Anyway, with it being around the holidays I feel that it is important to stress the need to check out your local rescues and pounds. I can guarantee that many dogs will be purchased for that special holiday gift. Unfortunately many of those same dogs will wind up in rescues. Whether it is because the dog didn't get along with other pets, the person receiving it didn't really want that sort of dog, or because the dog didn't act a certain way. This season is even worse because of the poor econonmy. So many of these rescues are packed full with dogs that were owner surrenders because they just cannot afford the upkeep of the animal anymore. For others it's because they are losing their homes and cannot take the family pet with them to their new home. If you are anyone you know are looking to adopt a furry friend this holiday season, please visit your local rescue or pound. Please give a home to animal that may otherwise never get one and if adopting one at this time is not a viable option, please consider making monetary donations. The Great Dane rescue that we are associated with is in need of money quite badly. The facility is need of repairs and for the first time ever they are having to buy their dog food. Of course our rescue always takes in Danes no matter what their health is like and because of this they have racked up a nice medical bill with the vets and could definately use help lowering it. All donations are tax deductible!

Below are links to some of our favorites, the first being for the Great Dane Rescue. Be sure to tell them that Wagner and Toby sent you!! (Second Chance Rescue)


  1. Oh my gosh!! I LOVE great danes!! I want one so bad...but w/ 5 kids (mine ARE the 2 legged kind) ;) I just don't have time. We also aren't allowed to have them where we live. :( Thanks for following my blog! I'll be following yours too!

  2. Aww! I love Great Danes. That is so neat how they take care of you. :)

  3. Thanks ladies, our Danes are definately the best. They are so calm and laid back. Not really trouble makers either. Now if I can just teach Toby to stay out of the kitchen while Mom is cooking we would be good! He always has to help.
