Sunday, January 11, 2009


I wasn't going to post anything tonight as I just did a steak recipe the other week but this marinade for steak is just too good not to share with everyone.

I love my Husband and I love spending time with him. We are still in those blissful pre-children years where we can just up and leave without worrying about baby-sitters and packing the appropriate amount of diapers and bottles. The unfortunate part of this is that my Husband works second shift so the only time I really get to see him is on the weekends. That means no week night dinners at the table which for lack of a better A few months ago we made a deal to make Sunday nights our "date night". It's the one night where together, we plan and make our dinner and share it together at our kitchen table. I look forward to this night and if you have never done this with your spouse...I highly suggest it. The food doesn't have to be special, but we do try to make it something that we wouldn't normally cook. Now I am a big red meat fan, especially a nice piece of steak. Daniel on the other hand does not enjoy steak, doesn't matter the cut or what part of the cow it came from, he just doesn't enjoy it. While on a trip to Kroger's yesterday we noticed that they were having a heck of a sale on their meats. We were trying to figure what sort of meat we were going to have for our date dinner when another shopper casually mentioned that they were selling T-Bone steaks for just a couple of bucks. We passed on the T-Bones but Daniel did something very out of the ordinary, he picked another cut. I think it was a prime cut of something something, I don't remember. I wasn't about to talk the grown man who normally doesn't touch steak out of it as I was more than happy to go with the flow. What I was going to do was leave the preparation of said steak all up to him. I was not about to take responsibility for getting him to like it. So this morning while I was still tucked into bed, he found this marinade on my favorite site, and got to work. If I could have licked the plate that he served these up on after he grilled them...I would have, but it wouldn't have been lady like so I didn't. I highly suggest trying it as it is going to be a keeper in our house!! (In the marinade before being thrown on the grill)

1/3 cup soy sauce
1/3 cup olive oil
1/3 cup fresh lemon juice (the stuff in the bottle works just fine)
1/4 cup Worcestershire
1 1/2 tbsp. garlic powder
3 tbsp. dried basil
1 1/2 tbsp. dried parsley
1 tsp. white pepper
1/4 tsp. hot pepper sauce
1 tsp. minced garlic

1.) Allow selected meat to marinade in mixture for at least eight hours.

1 comment:

  1. Ummm...It sounds like it was delicious! I have never cooked a steak in my life even though I love it. I am to scarred I would ruin it.
