Monday, November 23, 2009

More Awards...

I have received a few awards over these past few weeks and I thought maybe it was about time to blog about them and pass them forward.

First up from my friend Polly over at The 5th Sister;

The rule is if you are tagged you must list 5 things that make you a true, authentic mom and then pass along the tag to 5 other deserving bloggers.

Technically I am not a Mom yet however Polly was gracious enough to award it to me anyway. Personally I think you become a Mom the minute you can't keep your Cheerios down...what we do for our children! Coming up with five things is somewhat difficult for me but here are some things that I think are going to make me a wonderful Mom as long as I follow through.

1.) I plan on telling my children everyday that I love them no matter how many times they have been sent to the naughty chair or talked back to me. I want them to know that there is absolutely nothing in this world that would ever make me question my love for them nor do I ever want them to question whether I do because I haven't said it enough.

2.) I plan on beating my children. Just joking, I don't really plan on beating my children but I do want them to know the difference between right and wrong and if that means a swat on the fanny once and again then so be it. I got the swat a few times and you know what...I have lived to tell about it and am grateful my parents did it. Obviously spankings will only be used for certain actions but I want my children to know there are consequences to their negative actions that will help teach them to not do it again.

3.) My goal when it comes to parenting is to be the sort of parent that a child can come to about anything and everything but still have respect for. I don't want to be your best friend, I want to be your Mother, but having said that I want them to come to me when they have those typical life questions. I for sure do not want them getting their facts about the birds and the bees or knowledge about drugs that can't be found in my medicine cabinet from their friends or teachers. I am their main teacher in life and feel that information should come from me.

4.) Christmas Eve at our house will be new pajama night for Santa's arrival...I have almost bought Addison her first pair for next year on more than one occasion. I really need to take a breather.

5.) I see a Katie's Krafty Korner in my future. I want to be a hand's on Mom who can get down, dirty, and creative when it comes to school projects, classroom Mom stuff, and passing the time projects...I can't wait!!

Now enough about me here are my five nominees:

Cassie over at Cassie Craves and Life Ensues. She's hands down a pretty cool Mom and since she already has one toddler with a baby on the way she really deserves an award...can somebody say patience?

Heidi over at Tried-and-True Cooking with Heidi, take a look at some of her snacks that she creates for her children...that alone deserves this honor. Growing up it was fix your own snack at my house.

MamaKeith over at the domestic mama, she made jack-0-lantern brownies for Halloween, cool Mama in my book! You must check them out for all of your Halloween events for next year.

Su over at This Stop Willoughby, read this post of hers and then you will know why I tagged her.

And lastly Lisaloo who has several blogs but this is the one I picked due to the nature of this award, Krafting with Kids. Please see #5 of this post and that should be a very good indication of why I picked her. Seriously, high five to the Mommy's that go above and beyond the call of duty when it comes to doing stuff with their kids.

Now I know a few of you ladies may have already received this award so obviously you don't have to redo it on your blogs, for those of you who haven't received it though, spread it around!


  1. Thank you, Katie...You are such a sweetie. And yes, you are going to be an AWESOME mom!

  2. Yea! Well deserved. You're going to be the best mama! And you're looking might fine, btw.
