Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Salami Roll Ups

As some of you may know, our first baby shower was held this past weekend. My step-dad Jim and his girlfriend Kathy were kind enough to host it in our honor. We received lots of wonderful presents including the wholesale box of diapers that my Grandparents got us. This box literally contains probably ten or so packages of diapers. They should go lovely with the presents they gave to Daniel. Only my Grandpa would be able to give hospital packaged gloves and surgical masks, those items go with the safety goggles, jumbo sized tweezers, and clothes pins. What they don't realize is that gift probably should have gone to me instead. I am definitely not looking forward to dirty diaper duty in our house, Daniel is much better with foul odors than what I am.

Anyway, now that the talk of dirty diapers make you think of appetizers...lol, here is one to share with you. My step-dad was on drink duty for the party while Kathy was the foodie. She made several different appetizers and she made enough to feed a small army. I will be sharing a few of the recipes here over the next few days since any of these items would be great for all of your holiday functions.

Kathy's Salami Roll Ups

40-45 slices of salami
1 8oz. block cream cheese, softened
1/2 C. sour cream
4-5 green onions, finely chopped

1.) Mix the cream cheese, sour cream, and green onions.
2.) Spoon onto each slice of salami and roll using a little of the mixture to "seal" the salami.
3.) Refrigerate for an hour or so to allow the mixture to firm up. (This is my suggestion)

I hope you enjoy and by the way...the salami rolls are shown on the second tier of the above picture. I thought I would point that out for those of you who might mistake the fruit kabobs for salami...lol.

Thanks again Father and Kathy...we had a wonderful time!

Happy Thanksgiving...gobble, gobble!!


  1. Love the salami rollups! This is also good wrapped in a tortilla. It is always good to hear from you and it appears as if all is going really well for you. Continue to keep us posted as this little bundle of joy has lots of "aunts" looking out for him/her! God bless!

  2. Thanks Polly! I love hearing from you and I will be sure to remind Addison she has lots of fans...LOL.

  3. Yummy! I make something similar to this, only with pickles rolled up inside too. Mmmm, I'm really craving those right now....

  4. Yum! Those sound very tasty! I am definitely going to have to make those some time. I'm glad you and baby are doing well :)
