Monday, March 8, 2010


I can't believe it but my little baby, the one that wouldn't come out, is now almost three weeks old. Each day she is getting bigger and more alert. She smiles all of the time, coos when we have our girl time before bed, holds her head up high without help. She even tries to roll over. It makes me sick to my stomach to think about this but something tells me she is going to be a quick learner. Before I know it she will be crawling and then it won't be long before she is walking around this place like she's in charge.

My first day back to work is April 1st and I am dreading it. I don't know how I am going to make it through the day without her but I must be a big girl and do my best to manage. There were times prior to her birth where I questioned whether being a Mommy was something I could handle and whether I was meant to do it. Now that she is here I know for a fact I can do it and that being a Mommy is my true profession in life. I actually have this overwhelming desire to have another baby immediately. I can't explain it and who knows if it's just my hormones talking but I can't wait until we get to do this again. Being with Addison is the highlight of my life right now and if I never walked back into my place of employment I would be ok with that, sadly we have no choice and until April 1st rolls around I must treasure everyday with her. I pray that by the time baby #2 gets here we will be more financially stable and I hope that will mean I can go from being a full time employee to a part time employee.

In the mean time here are some pictures to share with everyone. Some are from the hospital and others are ones we have taken here at home. I could stare at this child all day every day and maybe these will help you understand why I can't get enough of her and why I dread leaving her.Mommy and Addison reading the latest Babies R Us ad.


  1. What a cutie!!! The going to work thing is HARD!!! I wasn't able to do it. I'll keep you in my thoughts! Enjoy every minute with your precious girl...because you're goes by in a blink!!!

  2. She's beautiful! I go back on April 2 and having already done it once, I'm dreading having to do it again. I'm glad everything's going so well!
