Friday, December 3, 2010

A little Thanksgiving enjoyment...

I have been meaning to post some pictures from Addison's first Thanksgiving and I have finally got a second to do so. Did you know teething babies are the most irritable things alive. I have never seen someone so unhappy as what I have witnessed from Addison these past few days...I am grateful that we have both made it through alive.

Anyway, here are the pictures. To say she enjoyed her meals would be an understatement

Here she is with my cousin Heather who also happens to be her Godmother. The smile on that child's face is priceless!

This is her new grin...her face all scrunched up with her eyes shut...adorable.

There's something about those straps that she just loves.

A close up for the camera...she may or may not have been covered in food!

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