Friday, January 14, 2011

9 month checkup done a month late...oops!

Today I finally took Addison in for her nine month check up and for her latest round of shots. I don't claim to be mother of the year so better late than never in my book.

Who needs a milk mustache when you can have a yogurt mustache?

The Doctor is really impressed with her which makes this Mommy very happy. It assures me that I'm doing something right. She weighed in at a little over twenty pounds and she is almost thirty inches long...girlfriend is going to be tall just like her parents. I got a good laugh out of this appointment because they made me fill out a questionnaire for her regarding her skills and such. It kept asking me questions such as whether or not she's able to stand on her own or with assistance and whether she can walk along the couch or table. Not one question about whether or not at ten months she's actually walking all by herself. My ten month old can't possibly be the only ten month old whose walking all by herself and has been for the last month in a half!! No matter what the Doctor was excited to see her in action and Addison was more than happy to show off even though she got a stick in her toe to test her hemoglobin level. She kept on trucking even with a bloody She got even more praises when I whipped out her sippy cup and she drank out of it like a champ. I think the Doctor was impressed when I said she had been on one for months now. She gave me the go ahead to take the bottle away completely which I am hesitant about. Addison never took a pacifier so during the night she likes to chew on her bottle nipple, the only time in which she gets a bottle, as her comfort item. I don't know if I am willing to take that away just yet, especially since she's still not sleeping through the night and this tired Momma needs as much sleep as she can possibly get. We'll see if I get brave over the next few days!!

A little hurricane Addie destruction for your viewing pleasure! Can you imagine what it will look like with two babies?

My little motto is, "you can never have too much toilet paper!" It's the Crohn's patient in me talking...LOL. Looks like I have a chip off the old block!
Anyway, our little baby isn't so little anymore and I think it's safe to say she isn't our baby anymore...she's our big girl. I can't believe in about five weeks she's going to be a year old and that we more than likely will have another little baby on our hands. Where has the past year gone?