Monday, December 13, 2010

Santa Claus is coming to town!

Saturday we spent our afternoon among all of the crazy mall shoppers to do one very important the big guy in red. Addison got to meet Santa for the very first time and other than a short stare down she did awesome. I am so proud of my big girl.

In line ready for the big moment...

Still patiently waiting...

At last, meeting the big guy for the very first time!

To conclude our Saturday adventure we came home and prepared for the winter storm heading our way. As Addison has gotten older she has gotten more and more interested in playing with things that aren't hers, aren't toys, and probably shouldn't be played with. Example being our cell phones, the remote control, and now this...Daddy's wallet and his debit card. She's not even ten months old yet and she's already hijacking his wallet. Does this mean we are in some serious trouble in about fifteen years?