Yes, my vehicle has temporarily been sent to it's maker...quite literally, it's sitting at the Chevy dealership as we speak. Due to stupidity on our part my three year old vehicle with only 30,000 miles on it has to have a complete engine overhaul at the tune of $5000. Like most families right now $5000 might as well be a million dollars. The money is available if we need it thanks to our 401K's but I refuse to touch that money unless we absolutely have to as we can't really afford the interest payments or having that extra money taken out of our paychecks each month to pay it back. Thankfully my in-laws have a car that they have graciously allowed us to use while we weigh our options and Daniel is hoping that by some miracle he and a few of the others boys will be able to fix the motor without having to replace the entire thing. The problem is the vehicle is going to be stored at my Uncle Dan and Aunt Robins and with these guys working full time, fixing our vehicle will be a weekend project only. The day the news was delivered to us was a very, very bad day but since then we have come to terms with the Equinox's fate and after having a much needed conversation about monetary expenses we have come up with ways to save money that will begin right after Christmas.
The first being no carpet for the babies room. She isn't exactly going to be in there just yet so we're cleaning up the ceramic tile that is in there currently and buying an area rug just to help our poor feet when we are in the there changing diapers. I guess the former owners laid carpet down over the tile for a reason...can you imagine if we just had the bare concrete. The second cost saving measure is groceries! The one joy I had and it's being taken from There are going to be a lot of casseroles in our future and we are going to start shopping at Aldi's in order to reduce our costs. Farewell Jungle Jim's...I will be back one day!
It is on that note that I have decided to take a bit of a break from the food blogging world. Sure I will have the occasional post since one of the new groceries rules is no more store bought baked goods, they are cheaper to make at home and provide us with a lot more for our buck. Another reason is the little girl currently growing in my belly. Our due date isn't until February 10th but the way my body is currently reacting it appears that she may make her appearance sometime next month. She is already head down and face down and trust me when I say body is gearing up for the delivery...I can barely walk because of all of the changes "down there". The fact I am a Crohns patient is another reason why I fear an early delivery. Allowing this child to go to term can do some serious damage to my insides from pushing, so I may not be allowed to go all the way into February. The goal is not to have a c-section however because of my health issue the longer I go, the greater my chances of having one are.
I look at the drama we have had this past week along with the upcoming, possible early arrival of our daughter and I am well aware that things could be much worse even though I felt like throwing in the towel at the time.
Who cares that I can't just go to the grocery whenever I want or that I have to get a second job once the baby is here and then stress about having a c-section. I have a roof over my head, a job that allows me to pay our bills...just not the new engine, and even with a c-section...a healthy baby that I will get to love for the rest of my time here on earth. Christmas isn't just about the gifts. It's about stepping back and realizing that in the grand scheme of things, life can be much worse. I have a wonderful husband (even though we have our days of turmoil), a supportive and loving family who is generous beyond their means, wonderful friends and co-workers, and most importantly, a child who I thought I would never be blessed with who is busting at my seams ready to come out and join this party! How can a person ever be miserable with all of that?
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to each of every one of my blogging buddies. May God bless each and every one of you with good health, a happy home, and wonderful people to fill that home with! If I am not back with new recipes in the next month or so you can bet your bottom dollar that I will be back with a big announcement and a picture of a very loved little lady who will be all mine...and Daniels I guess since he did help to create her!
Oh yeah...get your oil changed! That has now become my new motto since all of this engine crap started. If I can save you $5000 then I will sleep better at night! :) It makes me feel a little like Bob Barker/Drew Carey when they say, "don't forget...have your pet spayed or neutered...good bye everybody!"
Oh Katie! I did that to my mother's mustang when I was in my 1st year of college.
I'll miss you while you're on hiatus. Be sure to come back every now and then to update us on your baby girl! God bless you and your family.
Merry Christmas
Oh, I'm so sorry about your car. That's such a bummer. I'll miss your foodie posts, but I hope you still post once in a while to your baby blog. I need my Katie fix! LOL
And shopping at Aldi's isn't all bad! My favorite coffee in the WORLD comes from there -- it's so delicious and only $3.99 a bag!
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